Miód Wrzosowy z Borów Dolnośląskich - Bryła Miodu

Heather Honey from the Lower Silesian Forests

Just like last year, we collected high-quality heather honey from the Lower Silesian Forests. On September 20, 2022, honey harvesting took place at the apiary where the traveling apiary of Mr. Eugeniusz, who has been a beekeeper for over 40 years, is stationed.

This exact heather honey is now available in our online store. You can check the current price and grammage in the link below. https://www.brylamiodu.pl/produkt/miod-wrzosowy-z-borow-dolnoslaskich/


I hope that, like last year, it will win the hearts of the most demanding connoisseurs of noble varieties of honey.

A hive with heather honey

Lower Silesian Forests - a unique place on the map of Poland

Bory Dolnośląskie is a unique place on the map of Poland with huge areas of heather fields. It is a region unpolluted by the work of nearby factories or cities. Time has stopped here, and the smell of the surrounding forests and heather fields is everywhere...

Heather field

This is an ideal place for beekeepers who come with their migratory apiaries in late August. Thousands of bee families go out to the nectaring heather to finally "produce" natural heather honey.

Heather honey owes its uniqueness to strong essential oils and the distinct taste of heather. Obtaining heather honey is a real treat for a beekeeper. Its gelatinous consistency makes it difficult to properly centrifuge the honeycombs.

Why is natural heather honey from the Lower Silesian Forests a product for a connoisseur?

Why do we think this particular honey is included in the "connoisseur" tab in our online store? https://www.brylamiodu.pl/produkt/miod-nekatrowy-wrzosowy/ Because heather nectares in late summer, when most bee colonies are already preparing for wintering. This is the time when bees rest after the entire season. In addition, heather fields are covered with numerous spider webs, which makes it difficult for bees to return to the hive.

Heather honey from the Lower Silesian forests

A beekeeper who decides to obtain heather honey must have extensive experience so as not to expose the bee colony to poor preparation for winter and to ensure survival until spring. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlgduifvFmU

Health properties of heather honey

Apart from the difficulties associated with obtaining honey from honeycombs, it is worth mentioning the unique properties of honey. Heather honey has a very distinct heather flavor and numerous nutritional properties. It is classified as one of the so-called "dark honeys", which, next to honeydew honey and buckwheat honey, contains the most; mineral salts, organic acids, enzymes and inhibins. In addition, heather honey supports the proper functioning of the urinary system. Additionally, it relieves diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, nausea and heartburn.

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